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VIP Documents PDFs

These files are flyers, handouts and technical information for YOU to have a complete overview of our program. You can download these documents as PDF files, print and distribute to inform others about the Yucca Educational Symposiums.

Please feel free to forward this page link to your contacts simply to further the message. Thanks so much for your interest and support of this important national issue.

Our first YES Symposium was held NOV-24th, 2013. The archive PDF files on the RIGHT column address that symposium and its related documents and information about the event. The ACTIVE Documents column on the left are resolutions, proposals, letters and other currently active and ongoing YES programs, town hall meetings, etc.

The Open Invitation Letter below, we are asking Nevada political stakeholders who are willing to go on record to support the NRC’s completion of the Yucca Mountain License Application. Signatories currently include: assmeblyman Jim Wheeler, Michele Fiore, Sue Lowden, NFRA President, Sharron Angle.

Active Documents Archive Documents

An Open Invitation Letter to all Nevada Political Stakeholders and candidates

Press Release-1
Sample Nye County Yucca Application Resolution Draft Press Release-2
Nevada Counties Support Completion of Yucca Application Press Release-3
  Business Letter
  Event Complete Document
  All NV County Commissioners
  College Students

Yucca ent
Most of Nevada's public believe that the Yucca NV "Application Study" Should be completed,
as citizens we must begin separating "issues from politics"!