Nuclear Fellowship |
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Report on CNF Events at June Meeting of the American Nuclear Society The Christian Nuclear Fellowship conducted two events in conjunction with the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta June 14-18. Here’s a brief summary of those two events.
REPORT ON WASHINGTON, DC MEETING November 2009 The Christian Nuclear Fellowship conducted two events at the 2009 Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society in Washington, DC. In addition, several CNF people participated in a special ANS session on “Ethics in Professional Engineering” that had been organized by Rob Hayes. The CNF “Power Breakfast” - The group that gathered for the breakfast meeting Monday morning heard an excellent talk by Carl Mazzola on “Seeking Wisdom in Times of Uncertainty.” Carl pointed out that the need for Godly wisdom has never been greater than it is in today’s politically tense and technologically complex world; and drawing on many passages of Scripture, he explained how worldly wisdom is just not able to give satisfying answers or lasting solutions. Carl encouraged us all to ask and seek for the wisdom God freely offers to all who ask for it in faith. The CNF “Roundtable” Discussion Group - Bob Wilson kicked off the discussion by sharing some thoughts related to “the fear of the Lord” being the beginning of wisdom. A stimulating and rewarding discussion followed and we all took home some gems of biblical wisdom shared by various members of the group. We also heard the very interesting personal testimony of Rob Hayes and spent time sharing what God has been doing in our lives and praying for each other. The evening together was once again, as Alan Waltar put it, “like an oasis in the desert.” ANS Panel Session on Ethics in Professional Engineering – The ANS Radiation Protection & Shielding Division sponsored a panel session on “Ethics in Professional Engineering,” organized and moderated by Rob Hayes. This session was not organized by the CNF, but among the speakers/panelists were CNF Advisory Committee members Howard Shaffer, Charley Rombough and Vic Uotinen. Other CNF members took part actively in the question and answer session and offered many valuable observations and insights on this important topic. The session was very well attended and served as an excellent forum for promoting high professional ethics standards for all ANS members. Many thanks to Rob Hayes for planning and conducting a very interesting and worthwhile session at the Washington ANS meeting. Praying that we will all keep on being “salt and light” within the ANS – and also that we’ll seek and exercise godly wisdom in all we do, remembering always that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” ![]() (1) MONDAY EVENING JUNE 15th DISCUSSION GROUP – Jim Hardeman and Andrea Pepper, long-time members of ANS and also members of the CNF Advisory Committee, led a lively discussion on the topic: "Coming Together to Focus on the Big Story." Andrea and Jim used some ideas from the book “The Blue Parakeet” by Scot McKnight (Zondervan) as a springboard, and the discussion focused on the central core of orthodox, biblical truth that evangelical Christians from many different denominations agree on and around which we can enjoy genuine fellowship in Christ, in spite of our honest differences on various other "secondary" topics. It was noted that C. S. Lewis called this central core of truth “Mere Christianity” and that this has been the basis for our fellowship within the CNF ever since its inception. It was also acknowledged that such unity among Christians from various traditions is in itself a powerful witness to our unbelieving friends and colleagues within the ANS (“By this all people will know that you are my disciples….” – Jesus in John 13:35). Many thanks to Jim and Andrea for leading a lively, stimulating and edifying discussion. (2) WEDNESDAY JUNE 17th CNF POWER BREAKFAST – Our breakfast speaker was Dr. Joseph McRae (“Rae”) Mellichamp, Emeritus Professor of Management Science in the Manderson Graduate School of Business at the University of Alabama where he served as a faculty member from 1969 to 1994. Dr. Mellichamp did his undergraduate work at Georgia Tech and his graduate work at Clemson. He has been actively involved for many years (through Campus Crusade for Christ and independently) in encouraging and coaching Christians employed in academia concerning “how they, as Christians, can individually and corporately impact students, colleagues and the institutions they serve for the cause of Christ.” Mellichamp’s breakfast talk was entitled, “The Calling of Christian Professionals.” He started out by pointing out that in order to have a “calling” there must be a “Caller” and then Rae reminded us of Os Guinness’ definition of the word calling: “Calling is the truth that God calls us to Himself so decisively that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is invested with a special devotion lived out in response to His summons and service.” Our primary calling as followers of Jesus Christ is “by him, to Him, and for Him;” and our secondary calling is that we should “….everywhere, and in everything think, speak, live, and act entirely for Him.” Rae mentioned William Wilberforce as an outstanding example of someone who sought to live out these principles not only in his private life but also in his public life. We were all challenged by Rae’s talk to seek to do likewise – i.e., to do all that we do to please God and entirely for His glory – both in our private lives and in our professional lives as nuclear technology professionals. To the extent that we do so, we will effectively fulfill our Lord’s command to be salt and light in our workplaces, within our professional society, and in our communities. At the prayer breakfast, we also heard written greetings (read by Andrea Pepper) that had been sent specifically to the CNF gathering at Atlanta by three of our absent colleagues – Bob Long, Alan Waltar and Howard Shaffer. Many thanks to these CNF Advisory Committee members for their personal greetings. Attached is a new “CNF Interview Flier” that was prepared for distribution at this conference. Kay and I enjoyed seeing many of you in Atlanta, and we hope to see many of you again in Washington, DC in November! Grace and peace. Vic We encourage you to visit the new CNF web site at http://www.usnuclearenergy.org/cnf/About.htm. Many thanks to Gary Duarte of US Nuclear Energy for working with us to host the CNF web site. ![]()
In addition to discussing the works of MacDonald
and Chesterton, we heard a presentation by Carl Mazzola of Shaw AREVA MOX
Services (also a member of the CNF Advisory Committee) about his rewarding
involvement in an inner-city ministry in Augusta, GA – a ministry that is
meeting a variety of needs – material, educational, social and spiritual.
Carl’s presentation provided an example of how we, as followers of Jesus
Christ, can be God’s agents in transforming our communities for His glory.
We trust some of us will prayerfully consider doing something similar in our
own communities. The meeting concluded with a time of prayer concerning
topics and situations brought to the table by various attendees. The Monday
evening meeting proved once again to be a refreshing “oasis” for this group
of committed followers of Christ during their attendance at an otherwise
quite “secular” scientific conference.
We look forward to meeting again at the June 2009
ANS meeting in Atlanta. Look for more specific announcements as the date for
that conference gets closer. “I find that doing the will of God leaves me no time for disputing about His plans.” – George MacDonald
Thankful for the continuing support of all of you, ![]() Christian Nuclear Fellowship Activities at June 2008 ANS Meeting in Anaheim, California. The Christian Nuclear Fellowship (CNF) organized two events at the June 2008 meeting of the American Nuclear Society in Anaheim, California. (Here’s a brief summary and some pictures.)
![]() Report on Christian Nuclear Fellowship Activities at November 2007 Washington DC Meeting The Christian Nuclear Fellowship (CNF*) held two events at the joint International Meeting of the American Nuclear Society/European Nuclear Society November 11-15, 2007 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. In addition, copies of several “CNF Interview Fliers” were distributed, containing interviews of some members of the CNF Steering Committee, in which these colleagues tell about their work as nuclear professionals and also about what their faith in Christ means to them and how it impacts their lives, including their professional lives.
CNF Roundtable Discussion - The presenter at the CNF Monday evening roundtable discussion
meeting was CNF Advisory Committee member,
(Professor, Oregon State University). Steve earned an undergraduate degree
from OSU and an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of California Berkeley.
Steve shared with us some lessons learned over the past 10 months as he has
been walking, trusting in God’s faithfulness, through a serious health
crisis. Many of us have been praying for Steve and we were delighted to have
Steve and Laurie once again participating in CNF activities. Steve opened by
acknowledging that “The steps of a man are directed by the Lord” (Psalm
37:23) and talked about the importance of living “honorably” before
unbelievers and striving to be a model of how a believer in Christ should
walk through a difficult situation. Steve’s presentation served as a
springboard into a great time of sharing and discussion concerning how God
has been at work in and through the lives of many of us through various
events and circumstances since our last meeting. We left the Monday evening
meeting refreshed and encouraged, thanking God for His goodness and
faithfulness, and eager to serve Him in our daily lives, wherever He has
placed us. |
CNF thanks Gary Duarte and US Nuclear Energy for kindly hosting the launching of
this website." |